Catalina Channel Swimming Federation

CCSF News – March 2012

Safety Training in L.A. and S.D. in May

CPR and First Aid Courses Offered to CCSF Observers

Our annual observer training is next month. A session will be held on Saturday May 5th in Los Angeles, followed by another session in San Diego on Saturday May 19th. With several dozen swimmers in training to cross this summer, we’re looking to draw from a large team of observers. Therefore, we offer two events to minimize your travel.

Observers are required to be certified in CPR. The CCSF Observer training session with be a refresher course (re-certification) in CPR, plus an afternoon of fundamentals in CCSF Observing, which includes a review of the rules, and safety equipment for 2012.


Recruiting Support Members & Paddlers

Please Report to Neil and Grace Van der Byl

Though a Channel swimmer gets to take credit for a “solo” swim, it goes without saying that any crossing takes a team to make it safe and successful. In that regard, Neil and Grace Van der Byl are creating a comprehensive database of paddlers, kayakers, and supporters. The intention is to assist swimmers in recruiting potential paddle support for their Catalina Channel attempt. Please consider contacting both Neil and Grace if you are interested in supporting a marathon swimmer. We’re reaching out to paddleboarders, kayakers, and supporters– with and without experience — with a passion for the open water and assisting an endurance event.


‘Lifetime’ Commitment from Swimmers

Kevin Anderson & Antonio Arguelles Donate Generously

A special thank you from the CCSF Board to Kevin Anderson and Antonio Arguelles, who recently became “Lifetime Members”. Our Membership form is within the Swim Application Package on the second page. Kevin and Antonio’s generous contribution helps support the CCSF mission of conducting safe marathon swims. Thank you, Gentlemen.

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The CCSF continues to strive to improve safety in open water swimming.

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