2015 Applications Now Posted to CCSF Website
Relay and Solo Swimmers Can Begin Process of Applying for an Attempt
The 2015 application has been refreshed and posted to the Catalina Channel Swimming Federation website.
Solo swimmers have a separate application than relay teams.
The CCSF encourages swimmers to complete the application early by offering a discount in sanction fees for submissions before May 1st 2015.
Your initial step is to charter with an escort vessel of your choosing. The CCSF recommends a couple of boat captains. A more complete explanation of the applicant’s step-by-step procedures and responsibilities are listed under Basic Swim Information.
Solo swimmers are required to take the additional step of arranging for an annual physical with their doctor, who is to complete the medical certificate portion of the solo application.
We look forward to another exciting year on the water. Last summer, we witnessed a remarkable season of 40 solo and 15 relay crossings. We celebrated those accomplishments on the first Saturday of November. Plan now for the 2015 CCSF Awards Banquet on November 7th.

Board of Directors with banquet special guest, Marilyn Bell DiLascio O. Ont. (front), who was just 16 years old when she became the first to cross Lake Ontario (1954)
Board members ( l to r) John York, Becky Jackman, David Clark,Carol Sing, Forrest Nelson, Paula Selby, and Don Van Cleve.
Record-Number Sightings of Grey Whales in Channel
Natural Whale Migrations from Arctic Waters to Nursing Grounds Near Mexico
The Catalina Channel rarely disappoints in displays of majestic wildlife. This winter, a record-number of sightings of Grey Whales have been reported. Surprisngly, a drone camera captured a 15-foot Grey calf only a few hours old swimming with its mother.
Future newsletters will announce training dates
for CCSF observers and locations
Monthly Newsletter Updates Swimmers & Observers
Expect CCSF Newsletters to Arrive Semi-Regularly with Vital Info and Dates
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