Marathon Swimmers Weekend
Special Invite to IMSHOF Induction Ceremony
Elegant dinner event on the night before CCSF and SBCSA awards banquets
As you are already aware, the Catalina Channel Swimming Federation will host our awards banquet and brunch on Saturday November 7. Please, do not delay in purchasing your tickets.
There are two other events that we urge you to consider that same weekend, hosted by the Santa Barbara Channel Swimming Association and International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame.
A special message to the Catalina Channel community from the Chairperson of the International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame, Beth Yudovin:
Please extend your stay in San Pedro to include the Grand IMSHOF Induction Ceremony and Dinner on Friday, November 6. Besides inducting Forrest Nelson, the President of the Catalina Channel Swimming Federation into the IMSHOF, we are honoring outstanding athletes from around the world.
The delicious sit-down dinner (including wine) has several entrees to choose from. For large parties, please contact Beth for pricing.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Comet “Catalina” Hurtling Toward Earth
Visible to Southern hemisphere now, and the Northern in January
Two years ago, astronomer Richard Kowalski discovered a comet that is making a petty close pass to Earth (approximately 67 million miles away) in January.
Catalina is the name of this comet. In November, Catalina will become visible to the naked eye in the Southern Hemisphere. Around Christmas, Catalina arrives to sky watchers in the Northern Hemisphere. Mid-January, it passes through the Big Dipper constellation.
Catalina travels closest to Earth on January 16, a date Catalina Channel swimmers remember well. George Young arrived at Palos Verdes on January 16 to win the 1927 Wrigley Ocean Marathon Race.