CCSF News – January 2012
CCSF Grateful for Volunteers and Supporters
Our Non-Profit Group Thrives on Generosity and Passions
It cannot be said enough: Thank You. Our community is filled with passionate people willing to make sacrifices for marathon swimmers. The successful 2011 season reflects your strong commitment to the CCSF.
At the end of the year, many people take advantage of tax deductible charity donations. Please consider the 501(c)3 non-profit Catalina Channel Swimming Federation. For example, Lifetime Membership is awarded for a $250 donation. Making a financial gift before the end of the year may reduce your tax liability and benefit future Catalina Channel swimmers.
Accomplishments of CCSF Members in 2011
Swimming Channels, Straits, and Races away from Home
This newsletter strives to keep you informed with the Federation, the successes in the Catalina Channel, and a glimpse of Channel history.
But now that we’re in the final days of the year, let’s reminisce about the success around the world of CCSF Lifetime members, recent Catalina swimmers, and CCSF supporters. Many of them made history in 2011. Please accept our apology in advance, for we have certainly overlooked an incredible swim – but purely by mistake.
Barbara Held = MIMS, Tampa Bay, and Strait of Gibraltar
Michelle Macy = Strait of Gibraltar and Molokai Channel
Tina Neill = Santa Cruz Island and several Hawaiian Channels
Jim Neitz = Anacapa Passage (twice) and English Channel
Forrest Nelson = Molokai Channel
Dan Richards = Manhattan Island Marathon Swim
Scott Richards = Tampa Bay Marathon Swim
Claudia Rose = First to cross Buzzards Bay
David Yudovin = First to cross 3 North Sumatra, Indonesia channels
Kevin Anderson = Tampa Bay Marathon Swim
Jim Barber = 2-way crossing Strait of Gibraltar (male record)
Patti Bauernfeind = First All-Female Relay to Farallon Islands
Cliff Crozier = MIMS (Manhattan Island Marathon Swim)
Pat Gallant-Charette = English Channel
Craig Lenning = First American solo swimmer Irish Channel
Brad McVetta = MIMS
Hendrick Meerman = MIMS
Darren Miller = Tampa Bay and Molokai Channel
Evan Morrison = Tampa Bay, MIMS, and Ederle Swim (record)
Bob Needham = Tampa Bay Marathon Swim
Kent Nicholas = Distance Swim Challenge
Stephen Redmond = First 26-Mile Fastnest Rock (Ireland)
Victoria Rian = Winner of ‘Swim the Suck’ (Tennessee)
Tobey-Anne Saracino = Ederle Swim
Mo Siegel = MIMS and Ederle Swim
Samantha Simon = Molokai Channel
Jim Fitzpatrick = Lake Tahoe (North to South) Crossing
Daniel Fung = Distance Swim Challenge
Tom Hecker = Lake Tahoe Crossing
Lynn Kubasek = All-Female Farallon Relay and Anacapa Passage
Mallory Mead = Won the Swim Around Charleston (South Carolina)
Mike Mitchell = Maui Channel solo
Jen Schumacher = Lake Tahoe Crossing
David Smith = Manhattan Island Marathon Swim
Dave Van Mouwerick = Lake Tahoe Crossing
Cindy Walsh = Tampa Bay Marathon Swim
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