Catalina Channel Season Concludes with Banquet
Awards Banquet in San Pedro on November 2nd
Swimmers, Observers, Paddlers Are Encouraged to Attend Inspiring Brunch Invitations to the Annual CCSF Awards Banquet have been delivered to 2013 swimmers. Anyone may attend the banquet brunch: Swimmers, supporters, paddlers, observers, and family. Everyone is encouraged to do so. It’s guaranteed to be an emotional gathering of impressive marathon swimmers.
Please join us on the first Saturday in November to celebrate the Class of 2013. RSVP is required. Purchase tickets and reserve tables for large parties. The banquet room has reached capacity the past couple of banquets… so do not delay in returning your invitation. Click on photos from last year’s ceremony.
Just a Few of All the Swimmers We’ll Be Celebrating The Awards Banquet will recognize each swimmer and honor their achievements. Every Catalina crossing is filled with inspiring stories.
Fingers crossed that you– and all the 2013 swimmers– will attend the banquet so we can hear first-hand their incredible stories of enduring the challenges in the Catalina Channel. Pictured, Kim Chambers at Terranea Join Social Swim Between CCSF & SBCSA Banquets
One Refreshing Dip Among Friends at Cabrillo Beach, Afternoon of Nov 2nd Our colleagues at the Santa Barbara Channel Swimming Association have coordinated their year-end awards banquet to be in San Pedro following the CCSF ceremony. In between, we plan to take a social swim at Cabrillo Beach. Weather Permitting. |
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